Florida's 'Christian Might' Takes on the Most Flagrantly Fowl Zionist Jew in Office
In the special election for Florida's 6th Congressional District, Christian Ehsan Joarder faces the brash Zionist Randy Fine for the GOP nomination.

On the April 1 special election for Florida's 6th Congressional District Christian-convert Ehsan Joarder takes on the blatantly cocky and pompous Zionist Jew, Randy Fine for the Republican ticket.
Aaron Baker, too, is running for the GOP seat but certainly doesn't have the zest or general appeal to compete with the aforementioned two.

President Donald Trump, as per usual poor guidance, pledged support for Fine. The state senator leads in the forecast, having amassing overwhelmingly the most out of any of the candidates at $426,712 according to Federal Election Commission records.
However, much of this may not matter given its a special election and is expected to have significantly low voter turnout. Add to it, the 6th district was 49% Republican and only a mere 26% Democrat as of the Nov 2024 election, reported The Daytona Beach News-Journal.
Paleocon Publishing spoke to Joarder about his prospects of being the 6th's next congressional representative. He began by commenting on the overwhelmingly media endorsement of Fine, saying "I'm the person they're attacking. .. I'm living through it."
The 35-year-old father of three said it doesn't deter him in the least and that he is motivated to do what's right for his country and the future of his kids.
Joarder said one of the key reasons for his campaign was to conserve the money in Congress' purse, deal with inflation and the national debt.
"We have a spending problem in our country," said Joarder. "... It's like a 16-year-old kid who has dad's credit card." He is stern on going through "every single bill" to understand what we, as a nation, are funding.
"At the end of the day, every dollar spent by the government is a taxpayer dollar, and it should be scrutinized and audited."
Joarder laid into the Pentagon for seven failed consecutive audits, with some attributing over $35 trillion in unaccounted spending. He said, "We have a big bucket, and no matter how much we turn that faucet up, there's a huge hole at the bottom." He says that there may not be a single fixed solution, alluding to the "military industrial complex," and wasteful spending on Israel ($17.9 billion since Oct. 7), Taiwan ($2.567 billion in 2024) and Ukraine ($174.2 billion from 2022-24).

"No, I'm not going to vote yes on these huge omnibus bills that nobody even reads," Joarder asserted. "I would be another Thomas Massie." He confidently announced that he isn't afraid of being a lone wolf congressman and that to build upon an America First coalition is to fearlessly do it bit by bit.
"If I'm the second, maybe they'll be a third, fourth, 10th, 15th, 20th and 30th. And if you have 30 congressmen at whatever point, then we can make that difference."
Joarder also acknowledged the broader foreign activism that dominates American politics – AIPAC and other Zionist Jew NGOs.
I'm not going to sugar coat it. Israel controls. Israel funds and endorses 329 of the 435 congressional members, and 100 of the 100 commissioners. That's a big problem. That's just one – Jewish organizations and advocacy in our government is tremendous with several if not hundreds of group.
America isn’t a two-party system—it’s Republican, Democrat, and AIPAC. And let’s be honest, AIPAC runs the show. https://t.co/YYnpCoQ3We
— Ehsan Joarder (@ehsanjoarder) January 18, 2025
Such comments are typically deemed prohibited in politics, perhaps to deter detractors or drawn attention to the abundance of influence of the few by many, but Joarder eagerly prays to go toe-to-toe with these Zionist organizations to regain what has been lost in MAGA for the move to shift back to America First.
"I want to go into Congress and eat the crap out of people, ... throwing water on people and shoving my way out," he exclaimed. "I'm going to step up to them. .. Now, I'm in your face."
He then stressed border security to be one of the primary issues for America's preservative future and that the federal government should not be pussyfooting by expanding upon the H-1B visa program, especially at this time.
I basically got involved in politics altogether because of Trump in 2015 and the promises that he made he never kept. So I still want a big beautiful 30-foot wall. I still want mass deportations and an immigration moratorium until we deport all the people that are already ... in our country. .. Without a border, we have no sovereignty as a nation.
Trump admitted H-1B visas were bad for American workers in 2016 and said he used them as a businessman but shouldn’t be allowed to.
— AF Post (@AFpost) December 28, 2024
He now claims to have always been in favor of the program.
Follow: @AFpost pic.twitter.com/R6CD1mRZsw
Trump flip flops on his 2016 stance against H-1B visas.
Joarder stated he completely taken back when Trump announced expanding upon the H-1B visa program. He also noted that he believes expanding legal immigration would not be the answer, either.
It's crazy to me how we went from mass deportations and to building a wall and making Mexico pay for it, to now lifting the cap on H-1B visas and stapling green cards to diplomas. .. I think that in the face of the program, when H-1B was first created, they had a noble cause as it was going to help America, bring the economy to its best through its brightest. But not H-1B is not for that ... it's just being used by tech billionaires and big corporations to replace American jobs with cheaper immigrants. .. Somebody who has much lower expectations of the work environment will cost much less. So that engineer that would cost you $120,000 a year to hire in the United States could now be replaced with a $40,000 H-1B visa.
Joarder then queried, "What does it even mean to be an American citizen anymore?" He further remarked that Trump's change of heart may have been from the evident Silicon Valley influence that is already dictating policy.
I just want America First. Is that too much to ask for that my damn representatives to represent me – not Israel – but me and the rest of America? I want the American government to represent the American people. Is that too much to ask for?
America First would solve all the problems that we have now in our society – inflation, housing, health care, homeowners insurance and infrastructure – all of those, all of those issues could be addressed by being America First.
Bridging the conversation on the drastic change Trump, Joarder recognized not only the billionaire tech industry interference but what he calls the "opposition" Zionist.
[Trump] only won because of the Zionist vote, and it only happened because of Oct 7. Prior to Oct 7, he really didn't have a chance at winning. They were not going to let him win – I think he realized that ... that the establishment would do anything and everything to make sure that he doesn't come into power ever again, including but not limited to making 40 million extra votes in 2020 ... I think he realize that, and then, once he got shot ... he said, 'Okay, I'm going to play their ball.' .. So he took the money ... sitting with them to get into office and save his legacy. I don't blame him for it. He probably looked at his kids and his family here.
... So he took the bait, took the money, played the game. .. It's like the classic setup that they did with JFK and Lyndon B. Johnson. Now we have Trump and as a backup player JD Vance right behind him, just to make sure that they have a fallback if they ever needed it. It is the exact same setup as before that they have now.
Regarding more on Zionism, he told Paleocon Publishing that he did receive some hate from Zionist Jews, but says the religious differences for him growing up were not at all present so he doesn't take it much seriously or to heart.

In 2020 Pew Research Center studied the connection between Jews and Zionism/Israel.
Any religion or group of religious people – it doesn't matter what religion – would not condone the slaughter of hundreds of children. It doesn't matter what religion you are; if you're a real person, an actual religious person, or not religious you wouldn't support it. So I think that the Jewish people are really being taken advantage of by the Zionists who are using Judaism to further their own evil agenda.
Joarder continued by clarifying he isn't pro-Israel, nor does he hate the nation state, and he also doesn't advocate for Palestine. He said it is all "heartbreaking" but at the end of the day he is America First.
However, to his point, he does not take a side and yet Muslims for Democracy and Fairness endorsed him. They are a group of Muslims based in Tampa Bay that have eagerly wanted their voices to be heard under the clap of the Zionists. They saw Joarder as the "pro-humanity" politician, abhorred by the state of the war in Gaza. The group seeks to call attention to the Palestine with the tragic genocide.
Aside for Joarder's general politics, it may be interesting to know his background, particularly that of a boxer, earning his championships, titles and a ranking. For the Boca Raton Police Athletic League (PAL), he fought after school, doing rigorous training under stressful environments requiring pure discipline.
You have to figure out what the small steps are that you need to take to get there. And for boxing, I needed to wake up at 5 in the morning. I needed to run and eat 'clean' food ... not unhealthy foods, ... no parties or staying up late, ... focusing on girls or doing drugs. Just go to the gym, make sure to finish that homework and develop that discipline that you will have in your life to get to the championships.
Working with PAL, he saw another side of police officers – a more human and certainly encouraging side juxtaposed to today's narratives and media skew. He met several officers including Paul Holland, John Flynn and Bob Denise who he says have "completely changed the image" that he "had [of] police" for his life.
"These guys became my role models," Joarder told Paleocon Publishing. "They shaped a lot of my views and such that I hold in my life today."
As he grew up, went off to college later to return to his heroes, he helped as a volunteer for their program as well as doing several fundraisers.
Joarder, as a "middle ground Republican," also commented on police reform or as some would call it criminal justice reform. He understands police are perfect, citing several disturbing examples, but feels rehabilitating criminals may simply be wasteful.

"There's not much rehabilitation you can do for some of these people, but maybe on a case by case basis." He added that assimilating a criminal into society may not even work with the best professionals money can buy, but he would be willing to try step-by-step to see, yet troubled by the probable fact of a tax burden. Joarder still put his foot down against mass incarceration saying rehab would be a better route, "bringing them back into society" is a "better option [and] cheaper option in the long run."
All in all, Joarder seems spot on with addressing national concerns. He is the prototypical immigrant who actually wants his country to succeed and embrace a nationalist sentiment.
Joarder is a former Muslim who converted to Christianity and *may* then convert to the true and only apostolic Church – Catholicism. God bless. Although it pains, him to see the state of this great nation, he's determine never to give up on the, as he told Paleocon Publishing, "This country is the only country that I can do what I want to do. But I plan to do what I can."
*Paleocon Publishing proudly endorses Ehsan Joarder for Congress*